Девушка недели: как фитнес сделал простую модель знаменитой

Иногда занятия в спортзале творят чудеса, Пейдж Хэтэуэй показывает это на своем примере

Когда-то девушка хотела стать обычной моделью без намека на фитнес. Однако в 2011 году судьба привела Пейдж в спортзал. Худая и не слишком спортивная девушка решила хотя бы немного поработать над своей фигурой. За довольно короткий отрезок времени Пейдж добилась приличных успехов.


Из худенькой модели в звезду фитнеса

Тренер девушки начал уговаривать ее принять участие в соревновании по дисциплине фитнес-бикини. В итоге Пейдж заняла на соревнованиях второе место и поняла, что действительно хочет связать свою жизнь с фитнес-индустрией. Она продолжила ездить на соревнования и занимать призовые места, а вскоре ее увлечение стало приносить и ощутимый доход. Нашлись спонсоры, которых заинтересовали успехи начинающей фитнес-модели.

На этом Пейдж не остановилась, она принялась и дальше раскручивать свое имя, уже с помощью социальных сетей. Инстаграм* девушки насчитывает уже почти 4 миллиона подписчиков, что можно сравнить с мировыми звездами эстрады. Также Пейдж ведет свой канал на YouTube, где рассказывает про различные упражнения и диеты.


Поиграть в футбол и покопаться в авто

Если говорить о личных интересах Пейдж, то девушка увлекается авто и по ее словам может сама поменять тормозные колодки. Когда-то фитнес-модель даже играла в футбол, она участвовала в любительских турнирах. Логично, что Пейдж придерживается исключительно здорового питания и своим любимым блюдом называет протеиновые вафли. Однако если уж нарушать режим, то тогда спортсменка с удовольствием налегает на сырную пиццу.

Когда речь заходит о подготовке к соревнованиям, то дисциплина у девушки на первом месте. В таком графике она делает кардио тренировки 5 дней в неделю и на голодный желудок. Сама Пейдж уверяет, что в этот период каждое утро для нее это целое испытание. Свои тренировки девушка любит разбавлять хорошей музыкой, одним из её любимых исполнителей является группа Coldplay. В планах Пейдж написать книгу и выучить новый язык.


I don't wake up everyday feeling motivated. Some days I don't feel like working out and other days I struggle eating healthy. If I have a bad day, I most certainly do NOT let that bad day turn into a bad week, month or year. If you feel yourself slipping, STOP and evaluate your priorities. ➰Take a step back so you can see what needs to take place in order for you to continue reaching your goals. Don't allow yourself to keep slipping. This is where a pool of dissatisfaction with yourself and your life are waiting. Life is a "mind over matter" game. ➰Once you learn how to control your thoughts, magnificent things begin to happen. Of course hard work pays off and the results are fantastic but know that there are many sacrifices that have to be taken along the way. The process of setting goals and your journey to achieve them will test your true strengths. ➰There will be times when you question yourself and during this time you need to force yourself to look at the positive. Always reminding yourself that results and conquering your dreams dont happen over night. Be patient and stay consistent. What ever you put into the world will come to you. If you let this way of thinking sink in and keep your heart aiming for the stars, nothing will be impossible for you!

Фото опубликовано Paige Hathaway (@paigehathaway)


We can't be afraid of change. You may feel very secure in the pond that you are in, but if you never venture out of it, you will never know that there is such a thing as an ocean, a sea. Holding onto something that might feel is good for you now, may be the very reason why you don't have something better. Comfort isnt always a good thing. Being comfortable means that you have accomplished what you think is necessary and have no further interest in pursuing goals of self-improvement in your health, career, love, mind and overall life. This type of comfort can be poisonous to your soul. We each come to a crossroad in our lives where we have to make the decision to let go of something in order to grow and make room for something better. Don't fear being uncomfortable. Don’t be afraid of change. You may lose something seemly good in the present, but you may gain something beyond what your mind could have imagined forever. - Magazine | @dakinimag Photographer | @sarahorbanicphotos Glam | @jey_ventura Wardrobe | @heatherwbcolors

Фото опубликовано Paige Hathaway (@paigehathaway)


The real challenge of growth comes when you get knocked down. When you feel like you've hit a dead end. When it seems like the world is against you, when things don't completely go your way or when it feels like your whole world is crashing down on you. If we choose to stay down, we choose to give up. Bravery is not found in getting knocked down. Bravery is found in getting back up knowing that you’re going to get knocked down over and over again. Growth is about learning and perseverance. If you are brave enough to stand up against fear, You will then recognize that getting knocked down is all about where life begins, and has nothing to do with where it ends. - Just incase you guys missed the Cyber Monday sale - use my code PHFIT for 20% all @SweetSweat products - Photographer @samuellathrop - Hair and makeup @foreveruntamed

Фото опубликовано Paige Hathaway (@paigehathaway)


!!!PLEASE READ BELOW!!! Do you feel like you're missing something? ...that your life was meant for more and your greatest potential hasn't been reached yet? Do you have bigger dreams, goals and aspirations for yourself? Do you envision something else with your life? I always hear people talk about the things they want to achieve, but the question is, how bad do YOU truly want it? This dream you dream of is right under your finger tips, so what's stopping you from starting? What's holding you back from achieving you're wildest desires? Maybe you feel although your goals are "stupid" or maybe you wouldn’t be able to achieve these dream you dream of... But then again wouldn't you rather fail on the pursuant instead of not pursuing them at all. To know that you've tried your best and followed your heart. No matter the outcome - promise yourself to have no regrets. Take what you've just read in this very moment and let those thoughts fill your mind. "What if" it doesn't workout.. Ahhh but "what If" it does. - Picture: #Olympia2016 at the @sweetsweat booth

Фото опубликовано Paige Hathaway (@paigehathaway)


DONT QUIT, TRY A DIFFERENT ROUTE! PLEASE READ BELOW⬇️ If you try anything, if you try to lose weight, if you try to improve yourself, if you try to love, if you try to make the world a better place... "if you try" you have already achieved something great. Forget failure and fear. If things don't work out the way you want, hold your head high and be proud that you're even trying at something because a lot of people don't even try, or they quit way before they allow themselves to reach their true potential. Remember that there is no one way to your goal, just like if you're riding in a car... there is not only one route to your final destination (there are many) .. And this principle goes for your goals as well. There are many different ways to achieve your goals, So if something doesn't work out.. Try something different because success is waiting for you. Success wants to be achieved just as bad as you want to achieve success. So don't quit. And don't allow yourself to give up until you try all the routines imaginable to reach your final destination.

Фото опубликовано Paige Hathaway (@paigehathaway)


Get a girl who can do both 💄💪🏼 OUTFIT by @stealmylabel FOLLOW my snapchat username PHFIT to see how YOU can WIN A FREE OUTFIT 🙋🏼

Фото опубликовано Paige Hathaway (@paigehathaway)

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