Фитнес-блогер развенчала мифы об идеальных женских фотографиях

Модный блогер из Финляндии Сара Пухто рассказала правду о женских фотографиях. Девушка опубликовала в своем микроблоге несколько удачных кадров, которые делают фигуру Сары стройной и подтянутой, и обычные снимки

Модный блогер из Финляндии Сара Пухто рассказала правду о женских фотографиях. Девушка опубликовала в своем микроблоге несколько удачных кадров, которые делают фигуру Сары стройной и подтянутой, и обычные снимки.


Photos aren't always reality 😬🌿 Usually when I take photos I honestly take about a hundred and will pick one or two of the best ones to post where I think I look good and I'll delete the ones where I'm not ready (tummy relaxed, non smiling, mid posing photos. Basically me at my worst chilling angles 😂). So here's one of the photos I would normally delete and pretend never happened on the left and my good flexed, posed, smiley one on the right. I wanted to post this to show another example of how Instagram* shows the highlights of people's lives most of the time and how posing changes the way you look drastically. So you shouldn't compare your everyday self to someone's highlights on Instagram*. Also wanted to clear up that there's nothing wrong with posing and posting your best photos, you should post photos where you feel good, it's just important to know that people don't look like their good photos all the time. Just don't get caught up comparing your body to someone's best angles. You're beautiful and amazing no matter what 💕 I just felt the need to spread some positivity and love today. Hope you all have an absolutely lovely day 🌴☀

Фото опубликовано Sara Puhto (@saggysara)

По словам Пухто, большинство фотографий в Сети не соответствуют действительности, и пользователям не стоит сравнивать свое тело с фигурами популярных моделей и звезд. «Решила запостить фото попы. Я подумала, что покажу ее с нормального ракурса, когда я стою с выпрямленными ногами, и сравню с позой, в которой она выпирает: мы живем в мире, где попа Ким Кардашьян стала иконой, но обязаны помнить, что все подобные фотографии далеки от реальности», — говорит она.


Standing up vs sitting down 😬🌿 I've used to hate having fat rolls and always thought they'd go away completely if I exercised and got less fat on my tummy. But recently I've realised they're not a thing that's gonna go away, and I'm so fine with that! Yes I could eat healthy 24/7 and workout in a way that would get rid of it. But what's the point? I love the way I eat and train now, so what's the point of changing what makes me happy to get rid of some extra fat? It's just rolls of skin with fat and I NEED that little layer! It would be unrealistic if I had 0% body fat on my body! So I just wanted to share what my body looks like when I sit down to show that I also got these rolls, muffin top (whatever you wanna call it 😁) and I'm not afraid to hide them 🙌🏼 Hope you all have a lovely day today, and happy #friyay 🌴☀

Фото опубликовано Sara Puhto (@saggysara)

Девушка отметила, что обычно выбирает одну удачную фотографию из сотни снимков. «Так, слева одна из тех фото, что я обычно удаляю, а справа — хороший кадр, на котором я позирую», — добавила Пухто.


NOT A TRANSFORMATION PHOTO 🤔 These photos were taken 2 hours apart and I'm flexing the same way in both photos. Don't you hate changing room lighting? I went to try on clothes the other day and hated what I saw in the mirror because of the angle of the light. Instead of looking at all my flaws and feeling bad about what I saw, I decided to do a comparison of changing room lighting vs the lighting at home that I'm used to! As you can see it's pretty different! So next time you're out and you come across some 💩 lighting, just remember you don't look like that, everyone has bad angles in certain lighting. If you feel good in what you're trying on then buy it, you'll look amazing! Don't let that bad lighting get you down!! 💕

Фото опубликовано Sara Puhto (@saggysara)

На микроблог девушки подписаны более 45 тысяч человек, пишет Lenta.ru.


These photos were taken a few seconds apart!! Do you ever have one of those days where you just get down on yourself and compare your body to others? I'm pretty sure everyone has bad body image days. I woke up this morning, looked at myself and thought I looked a bit fluffy today, usually I'd go about my day and end up posting the photo on the left and say how I'm feeling fluffy and bloated today, when the truth is the right photo shows my true fluffiness (no flexing and full tummy relaxed). So I thought I'd do a brutally honest post and show you my true fluff 🐇 What I'm trying to say is bodies fluctuate daily, even hourly. Don't beat yourself up if you have a bad day, week or month. Everyone has bad days. Everyone has some % of body fat. And everyone's body looks different from different angles/poses whether they're flexed, relaxed or bloated. People will post their highlights and their hard work on Instagram* so don't compare yourself to them! You're beautiful no matter what 💕 This is honestly really terrifying for me to post, so please don't be too harsh. I just hope this helps some of you if you're having a bad day.

Фото опубликовано Sara Puhto (@saggysara)

*Организация запрещена на территории РФ